We are planning to operate this season at this point and plan to start our work in the field sometime in May depending on the situation and Government requests.

The Alberta Government has announced that outdoor construction can operate as long as we follow all public health orders and guidelines, including maintaining physical distancing and prohibiting people from coming to work sick.

The safety of our clients, staff and the community are important to me.

We will follow Government guidelines and the suggested practices landscape industry associations so we can keep everyone safe. I will continue to stay updated on the guidelines.


What we are doing now:

– My Designer, Kaleigh and I are working from home and going out as little as possible

– I deliver completed designs to clients’ front doors, then we discuss them over the phone

– Estimates and agreements are being presented by phone and email

– Payments are mostly being made by etransfer

– Once the snow goes, Kaleigh and I will be meeting outside at clients’ yards and keeping at least 2 metres away from each other and our clients


What we plan to do once our Crews start working at sites (sometime in May is our plan for now): 

– We will do the most critical work first, that keeps clients’ homes and yards safe and secure. Then we will prioritize jobs based on site conditions and safety protocols

– One designated truck driver

– Only one staff member in any vehicle bringing staff to work or doing work. When staff do need to be two to a vehicle for work like Compost Tea Spraying, each staff person will wear a mask when in the vehicle.

– Small crews for installation jobs, keeping 2 metres away from each other

– One staff person for most maintenance jobs. For large jobs, each staff will have their own tools.

– Portapotties at every installation site,  crews bring their own lunch, each crew member has a personal hand washing kit

– Each crew member using a tool designated just for them (e.g. spade, rake) and disinfecting tools that may need to be shared

– A disinfecting/ sanitation kit will be at each work site and in our work truck