Safety Measures 2020

We are planning to operate this season at this point and plan to start our work in the field sometime in May depending on the situation and Government requests. The Alberta Government has announced that outdoor construction can operate as long as we follow all public...

Easy Garden Beds/ Resources for Children

RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN: This website and article are for supporting children getting out in nature and growing food – It comes highly recommended Another website for raising physically literate kids...

The X Factor

An article written by Natalie Noble, for Creb Now. ” The main features of xeriscaping are simple: use less water by decreasing lawn space, and replacing it with native and well-adapted plants that require less water, including perennial flowers, trees, and...

We were on the CBC!

Listen to Eco-Yards Founder Laureen Rama as she discusses lawn alternatives on CBC’s Eyeopener and then let us know what you think in the comments!      ...